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Full list of Catholic University of East Africa Online Courses

Unlike other established universities in the western world, the catholic university of east Africa does not offer a lot of options when it comes to distance learning. The students has to do a lot of work since there are no video tutorials available to help with learning. If students have a question, they either have to call a lecturer or come in person to the institution to get help.

This type of learning cannot actually quality to be called 'online learning' the best word to use would be "distance learning" where you are provided with materials both offline and online and do the work yourself.

Here is a list of catholic university of east Africa online courses that students can take. please note that this might slightly differ as the university introduces new programs.

Advanced Certificate in Church Management and Leadership
Advanced Certificate in Justice and Peace
Advanced Diploma in Business Management
Advanced Diploma in Pastoral Studies
Advanced Diploma in Project Planning and Management of Development Projects
Advanced Diploma in Teaching in Higher Education
B.Sc in Computer Science
Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology
Bachelor of Arts (Geography)
Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy)
Bachelor of Arts (History)
Bachelor of Arts (Religious Studies)
Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Developmental Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Anthropology
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Economics
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Political Science
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Sociology
Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences
Bachelor of Church Management and Leadership
Bachelor of Commerce (BCom, B.COM, BComm, B.COMM)
Bachelor of Development Studies
Bachelor of Commerce (Management science)
Bachelor of Education (Arts)
Bachelor of Education (Mathematics and Computer Science)
Bachelor of Education in Arts (Christian Religious Education and Social Education and Ethics)
Bachelor of Education in Arts (English and Christian Religious Education)
Bachelor of Education in Arts (English and Literature in English)
Bachelor of Education in Arts (Geography and Christian Religious Education)
Bachelor of Education in Arts (History and Christian Religious Education)
Bachelor of Education in Arts (History and Geography)
Bachelor of Education in Arts (History and Social Education and Ethics)
Bachelor of Education in Arts (Kiswahili and Christian Religious Education)
Bachelor of Education in Arts (Kiswahili and Geography)
Bachelor of Education in Arts (Kiswahili and History)
Bachelor of Education in Arts (Mathematics and Business Studies)
Bachelor of Education in Arts (Social Education and Ethics and History)
Bachelor of Justice and Peace
Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)
Bachelor of Science Library and information Science
Bachelor of Theology
Bridging in English
Bridging in Mathematics
Certificate in Church Management and Leadership
Certificate in Computer Proficiency (Computer Packages)
Certificate in integrated Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Audit
Certificate in Music
Church Management and Administration
Conflict Management,Counselling,Peace building,Healing and Reconciliation Workshop
Diploma in Business information Technology (DBIT)
Diploma in Church Management and Leadership
Diploma in Conflict Management and Peace building
Diploma in Counselling Psychology
Diploma in Early Childhood Education
Diploma in Education (IT option)
Diploma in Evangelization and Catechesis
Diploma in Justice and Peace
Diploma in Pastoral Ministry and Management
Diploma in Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies
Diploma in Security Studies and Criminology
Diploma in Theological Studies
Diploma in Web Design and Development
Doctor of Business Administration
Doctorate in Sacred Theology
Licentiate in Sacred Theology
Master of Arts in Development Studies
Master of Arts in Philosophy
Master of Arts In Project Planning And Management
Master of Arts in Religious Studies
Master of Arts in Social Work
Master of Arts in Sociology
Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Education
Master of Theology
MSc in Mathematics
Ordinary Diploma in Business Management
PhD in Education
PhD in Mathematics
PhD in Philosophy
PhD in Religious Studies
PhD in Theology
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
Postgraduate Diploma in Planning and Management of Development Projects
Pre-University Programme (PUP)
Renewal and Sabbaticle year
Validated Certificate in Theological Studies 

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