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Download Helb Loan Application Form for Continuing Students

The Higher Education Loans board offers a limited number of loans for continuing students every year. The loans which have different requirements from those of first time students are also a bit harder to get.

Unlike the first time applications, the Helb Alternative loans are evaluated and awarded on the basis of the loanees’ ability to pay while studying at an interest rate of 12% p.a and repayable in 48months.

Every year the loans board announces the time for application window and the amount of students to benefit, students can then apply and wait for the board to meet and evaluate their applications before their are disbursed.

The application is normally done online on this link>>

Awards (per year)

PhD- Kshs: 60,000 – 200,000.00;
Masters -Kshs: 60,000 – 200,000.00;
CE -Kshs: 60,000 – 100,000.00;

Minimum Requirements

1) Repaying or Repaid UG and previous PG loans if a beneficiary
2) Ability to pay while studying based on the one third rule of basic salary as per the Employment Act.
3) Meet all the requirements as indicated in the online form
Loan Interest Rate and Repayment period
12% per annum ; 48 months

Required Documents

1)  Copy of letter of admission to the university
2)   Certified copy of last acquired certificate
3)   Certified copy of ID
4)   Certified copies of two salaried guarantors’ IDs
5)   Certified copy of PIN card
6)   Certified copies (by employer) of the latest three months pay slips
7)   Recent colored passport size photograph
8)   Letter of  appointment (contracted applicants only)(1-5 should be certified by an advocate and 6-9 by employer)

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