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Why Responsive Web Design is Good for your Site

You have probably heard of the phrase 'responsive web design' quite a few times before.This is simply a design technique that makes  a website to adapt to whatever screen size it is being displayed on. This also means that you can see the exact same webpage on all devices, whether it be Tablets, Computers or mobile phones. Responsive web design has become the new talk of the web on design websites and blogs. Web designers have realized the importance of designing websites in this way. They highly recommend receptive websites especially for business owners. Here are two main reasons why responsive web design is a must-have for your site.

Easy to Manage and SEO friendly

Since sites that are built in this way fit well on any screen size, there is less editing for different devices. Unlike previous design method where you had to configure your content for mobile devices.  With this new design you will only need one HTML and one url for all, its like killing a few birds with one stone.

When it comes to usability factor, these websites are far much more advanced than their precursors. All the features of the websites can be easily found unlike desktop-only websites that were like maze games for many mobile web surfers. Beside content and SEO the experience of a user while navigating the site is also another factor that comes into great consideration here. the ease in navigation will let users want to stay for a little longer and this decreases the bounce rate.


Easy to think is it? since yo will only have one design it pretty much costs less, although it might cost much more than what you paid before, at the end it will be much cheaper than doing multiple designs fit for each device. it is also easy for you as a website owner to edit the site even without much HTML knowledge since you will only be dealing with one site. 

Responsive design is highly recommended by google since it provides great user experience across different devices and screens sizes

1 comment:

  1. Hi Isaac,

    This is a good piece of writing. Web deisgn should be responsive in you are creating a web business.


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